BFFE | docu: Zen and the West – Finding Peace in Troubled Times

Gepubliceerdop sep 9, 2019

Follow along as we travel to Canada, Japan, The Philippines, Europe and the U.S.A., visiting Zen Masters, scientists, politicians, Christians, atheists, and celebrities exploring the questions: What is Zen? What is Awakening/Enlightenment? Is Zen a Religion? How does Science view Zen? What does Awakening look like in everyday life? This feature documentary looks at these questions in the context of a social landscape marked by separation and divisive rhetoric. –

84 min
USA, 2019
English, and English subtitles

Followed by a Q & A with director Luke Fitch.

EYE Amsterdam
Saturday September 28th
Cinema 2

– Sneak Preview – 

Director / camera / editor: Daniel Luke Fitch | With: Migaku Sato Roshi, Yamada Ryoun Roshi, Henry Shukman Roshi, Jeremy Irons, David Loy, Brian Chisholm, Dr. Richard Davidson, Bernie Glassman, Elaine MacIness, Joan Halifax | Narrator: Jeremy Irons | Music score: John McCarthy | Producer: Christopher Hebard | Production Company: Stillness Speaks

gras en bloemen

Gepubliceerdop sep 8, 2019

Alle gedachten
ga ik het woud in
en verzamel
de schat van de herder.
(gras en bloemen)
Zoals het beekje
een weg zoekt
door mossige geultjes,
zo word ook ik
en transparant.



Buddhist Film Festival Europe @EYE Amsterdam: 27, 28 & 29 september

Gepubliceerdop sep 1, 2019

Every year the BFFE takes place in the beautiful Eye Filmmuseum, under the direction of Babeth M. VanLoo. During this 14th Buddhist Film Festival, Buddhist values, art and culture are again brought together through film. To be together around films, panel discussions with experts and the integration of altruistic values in our society are central. This years theme is IDENTITY.

“Yes, our films will address that in a diversity of approach and genre, from workshops on the Wisdom of Medicine or the Intelligence of Trees, a quest for Reincarnation (‘Who was I? Who am I? Who will I be?’), to a memorial homage for Bernie Glassman; with a special event and films on Tibet, the magical world of Bhutan, the unknown tradition of passionate music monks of China, East meets West, a window into the shamanist and Buddhist art of Buryatia, on a trekking path of the Buddha in India, Art in Focus, and the wisdom of Zen and Buddhist teachers that can help us live our lives in contentment.”- 

go with the flow

Gepubliceerdop aug 31, 2019

We have to know how to hold things lightly, and with joy. This enables us to be open to the flow of life. When we solidify, we lose so much.
Engaged in a relationship with our partner, our children, and with others in this world, we may solidify them by casting them in certain roles. That’s how we see them.
And after a while, we no longer experience the real person in the moment. We just see our projection of that person. Even though they are completely unique, and even though they may actually be transforming and changing within, we don’t see that any more, because all we see is our pattern. …
Then people get bored with each other, or at least they get kind of locked into a relationship which has lost its early vitality. …
That’s because we don’t experience the actual moment; we just experience our version of events.

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo


de dood onder ogen zien

Gepubliceerdop aug 12, 2019

In het voorjaar van 1992 werd Mimi Maréchal ziek. Ze aanvaardde haar situatie en de lichamelijke klachten in de daaropvolgende drie jaar met verbazingwekkende kalmte. Men zei haar wel eens:

‘Zen helpt je vast om de dood onder ogen te zien.’

Mimi antwoordde dan:

‘Nee, dat doet het niet, maar het onder ogen zien van de dood helpt me om zen te beoefenen.’ 


nothing remarkable

Gepubliceerdop jun 21, 2019

… things are conceived just as they are perceived. They are not even named. If I look at a cup, I give it a Chinese name while you English call it ‘cup’. … Actually, for all of us, the subject of these concepts simply sits here in total clarity on the table. We know what it is; we know its name. In Silent Illumination naming is of no concern.

To see things in this way in meditation is very valuable. Sitting together here we can discriminate men from women, Chinese from British, maybe even Welsh from English, older from younger. Such discriminations normally come along with some sort of judgement or valuation. Labels, names and so on are the roots of prejudice.

Categorisation usually generates inequalities in values with preferences and aversions, however subtle, drifting across the mind. Whenever such inequalities have taken hold, buddha-nature becomes invisible. When truly realised, buddha-nature is indivisible.
Of course, this is no simple matter and, furthermore, to consider a thief to be one’s father might engender a lot of trouble in the everyday world. Nonetheless, in the perspective of Silent Illumination, the basis of mind is seen to lack duality; dualistic functioning is a secondary, not a fundamental condition. We need to contemplate the practical significance of this.

‘Without any signs whatsoever, it illumines without any grasping, yet it still goes on knowing.’ The practitioner in Silent Illumination is not concerned with meaning and therefore grasps at nothing. He may see a bird fly through tbe sky. He does not deny that the bird has flown from one tree to another, yet this is not a focus of his concern. ‘As the Tibetans say, this is like ‘writing on water’. You move your finger across the water yet nothing remains. The thing has happened; now it has passed by. In silence, the practitioner knows buddha-nature, but there is no trace of this in his mind, no grasping, no discarding. There is brightness, silence, illumination. Rising from the cushion, he drinks a cup of tea, nothing remarkable; he just gets on with whatever needs to be done.

Master Sheng-Yen



Gepubliceerdop apr 18, 2019

Wat is de werkelijkheid, die van het gehaaste, verongelijkte ik, of die van de
rustige constatering dat alles voorbijgaat –
behalve dat moment dat die duidelijk is?

Dit kan de beginvraag van een nieuw leven zijn, tenminste als…

Als je niet terugvalt in de durende onmin van je ik.
Als je tijd vrijmaakt om je hele zelf te leren kennen.
Het zelf dat er was vóór je geboorte en er is na je dood.
Dat vraagt inspanning en discipline,
dag aan dag, natuurlijk.
En je moet zóveel van jezelf houden
dat je je de tijden dat het niet lukt het niet kwalijk neemt.
Je bent immers nog niet héél,
alleen onderweg.
Dat onderweg zijn is fantastisch.

Maarten Houtman


zacht vanbinnen

Gepubliceerdop jan 29, 2019

Op verschillende basisscholen wordt met mindfulness gewerkt. In het hoofdstuk ‘Aandacht begint bij de adem’  uit  ‘Stilzitten als een kikker’ van Eline Snel zegt Tim uit groep 2:

‘Ik vind het fijn om te ademen en voel me lekker zacht en uitgerust vanbinnen.’
