We have to know how to hold things lightly, and with joy. This enables us to be open to the flow of life. When we solidify, we lose so much.
Engaged in a relationship with our partner, our children, and with others in this world, we may solidify them by casting them in certain roles. That’s how we see them.
And after a while, we no longer experience the real person in the moment. We just see our projection of that person. Even though they are completely unique, and even though they may actually be transforming and changing within, we don’t see that any more, because all we see is our pattern. …
Then people get bored with each other, or at least they get kind of locked into a relationship which has lost its early vitality. …
That’s because we don’t experience the actual moment; we just experience our version of events.
what kind of mind are we living in?
we live in our mind
we take our mind with us everywhere
even in our sleep we cannot leave it behind
how we live in our mind is up to us
You have this country and you try to make it a pleasant place for you to live in, you grow trees and you keep it clean. And you have your homes, your rooms, which you keep clean, decorate, try to make it a pleasing environment. And we have our bodies, which we keep clean, we eat the right food, excercise and we try to make ourselves look attractive, keep healthy and fit. But the place we really live, is in our mind. And how much time and effort do we give to making our mind a pleasant place in which to dwell? To cleaning it, to opening up the windows to let some fresh air in, to decorate it beautifully, to make it a fit place to stay so that we live in our mind comfortably and we are at home in our mind, so that our mind is a friend to us.
This is very important because if we don’t have a peaceful friendly mind its very hard to be peaceful and friendly to our families, in our workplace, with our neighbours and in the country and from there to the world.
The kind of society we have reflects the mind of the people living in that society. So each one of us is culpable of the society we live in. Who made the rules? Who elected the politicians who made the rules? Who goes along with the rules that have been made? Each of us is responsible. We cannot just put the blame on other people, each one of us has the responsibility to develop our selves, our minds, to open up our heart.
So often people feel quite helpless and hopeless: what can I do, I am just one? But each of us is not sealed in a bubble, each one of us is constantly interacting with other beings; and even on that level how much time do we spend each day trying to make each other happy? Our colleages, our family, the peolpe we meet? Are we kind? Is our speech kind? Do we make people feel better for having matters or worse? If a society is full of people who are kind to each other, all other, then that is a very different society from one where people disregard each other, where people speak rudely to each other or despise each other.
voor een betere wereld
geestelijke ruimte
The essence of our mind is completely pure, it’s not true that we are sinners. Our true mind is something incredibly vast, open and spatious, it is not this little brain in which we run around like a rat in a cage. … Mind is compared to the sky: it has no centre, no boundary. … If there was no space we couldn’t exist, there would be no tables and chairs and people. Tables, chairs and people are also space and therefore space is all pervading. For this reason it is compared with the nature of the mind which is all pervading: not this little brain which is trapped within our head. We’re talking about a much deeper level of awareness.
Mind is compared to the sky because you cannot grasp it and think: this is me. But at the same time it is not like the sky because it is conscious. The very essence of our mind is awareness and this we all share! When we go beyond our ego, the sense of ‘I’ and ‘others’ does not pertain, it’s not there. We recognize our interconnection with all beings. … This is why we as human beings need to go back to our true nature: for as long as the ego is running things we have chaos -as we see in the world. The world is run by egomaniacs and look what harm!
verlichting, je kijkt er zo overheen
Veel mensen hebben het idee dat verlichting en bewustwording iets is dat zich ver weg afspeelt, dat het iets fantastisch en grandioos is en dat alles op slag voorgoed verandert. Maar zo gaat het helemaal niet. Het is iets dat zo simpel is dat je het nauwelijks opmerkt. Het gebeurt onder je neus, zo dichtbij dat je eroverheen kijkt. En het kan op elk moment gebeuren. En als we het zien, dan is het daar gewoon. Het was er de hele tijd al, maar we hadden onze innerlijke ogen dicht. Als al die momenten van gewaarwording zich aaneensluiten dan worden we een boeddha.
being mindful
“For little children the day lasts forever, everything is new, fascinating and fresh, time is infinite. As we get older things aren’t fresh anymore, they’re all stale. We’ve done things so many times we don’t even notice doing them anymore. And the next thing we know is that we’re old and dying. And we think: ‘What happened to life?’ We miss not only the difficult things but also the good things!
The Buddha said being mindful is the one way to liberation. He didn’t say ‘this is one of those things you can do if you’ve got time’. The one path to liberation is to become aware, wake up. Then we become more conscious, more present, more aware, also our mind begins to clear up of itself. And we experience things almost as if for the first time: fresh, clear, clean, and without having to always make judgements, just experiencing things as they are. And that in itself sheds a whole different light on what our lives are about.”
practice practice practice
“Make time in the morning to practice.
If you’re too tired to get up early, go to bed earlier, no excuses!*
keep it regular and do it.
any skill needs practice
practice practice practice
over and over again
gradually it becomes spontaneous.”
* ‘unless it’s really impossile like when you’re a mother of twins who has to get up in the morning at 4, but most people have some time.’
our mindless minds
“Our minds habitually love to be mindless. Because we love to be distracted our mind is very happy to be in the past or in the future. The mind finds being in the present very awkward and stays there as little time as possible. It needs to be retrained. Mindfulness helps us feel master instead of slaves of our mind, we will feel in control and we will feel better.”
tenzin palmo: the dharma in daily life
“The dharma has to be right in the middle of our life, everything has to be seen from the viewpoint of our mind cultivation. The buddhadharma practice is not just sitting in formal meditation, reading books, going to dharma centres, it’s what we do with our mind during all our waking days, what are we doing moment to moment to moment. Either we are aware or we are not aware.”