
red de bijen

Gepubliceerdop mei 11, 2021

Ban pesticides in the EU: sign and support initiative Save Bees and Farmers

 The judges in the Monsanto Tribunal concluded that the widespread distribution of pesticides could be considered as ecocide. That’s why we ask all EU citizens to sign the initiative Save Bees and Farmers. This will help to ban pesticides. Maybe not tomorrow, but in the long run. A very necessary step for our health and our biodiversity.

Support video by Marie-Monique Robin: Enough! No more pesticides

Powerful call by Marie-Monique Robin (film The World according to Monsanto and patron of Monsanto Tribunal):

Please sign the petition Save Bees and Farmers

It’s enough!

We don’t want no more pesticides on the fields.
The pesticides pollute our soils,
The food we eat,
The water we drink,
And the air we breathe.
They make our farmers and residents sick.
They contribute to the destruction of our biodiversity.
80% of the insects have disappeared in Europe
30% of the birds
The bee colonies continue to collapse
All this deadly business
Benefits a handful of multinationals
Like Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta

It’s enough!


Gepubliceerdop sep 3, 2020

Tibet-organisaties slaan de handen ineen – help mee de onderdrukking in Tibet te stoppen! Op 27 september hangen we gebedsvlaggetjes buiten waar iedereen ze kan zien, als teken van solidariteit met het Tibetaanse volk. Doe mee aan deze actie, deel op 27 september een foto van uw vlaggetjes met de hashtag #FLAGSFORTIBET –

Gebedsvlaggen zijn hét symbool van Tibet, maar de Chinese regering heeft het bevel gegeven dat de gebedsvlaggen één voor één van de daken en heuveltoppen in Oost-Tibet naar beneden moeten worden gehaald.



Buddhist Film Festival Europe @EYE Amsterdam: 27, 28 & 29 september

Gepubliceerdop sep 1, 2019

Every year the BFFE takes place in the beautiful Eye Filmmuseum, under the direction of Babeth M. VanLoo. During this 14th Buddhist Film Festival, Buddhist values, art and culture are again brought together through film. To be together around films, panel discussions with experts and the integration of altruistic values in our society are central. This years theme is IDENTITY.

“Yes, our films will address that in a diversity of approach and genre, from workshops on the Wisdom of Medicine or the Intelligence of Trees, a quest for Reincarnation (‘Who was I? Who am I? Who will I be?’), to a memorial homage for Bernie Glassman; with a special event and films on Tibet, the magical world of Bhutan, the unknown tradition of passionate music monks of China, East meets West, a window into the shamanist and Buddhist art of Buryatia, on a trekking path of the Buddha in India, Art in Focus, and the wisdom of Zen and Buddhist teachers that can help us live our lives in contentment.”-