May the goddess of speech enable us to attain all possible eloquence,
she who wears on her locks a young moon,
who shines with exquisite lustre,
who sits reclined on a white lotus,
and from the crimson cusp of whose hands pours,
radiance on the implements of writing, and books produced by her favour.
even afkoelen
Everyone is looking for someone to blame, and therefore aggression and neurosis keep expanding. Instead, pause and look at what’s happening with you. When you hold on so tightly to your view of what they did, you get hooked. Your own self-righteousness causes you to get all worked up and to suffer. So work on cooling that reactivity rather than escalating it. This approach reduces suffering – yours and everyone else’s.
moeder en dochter
De blauwe berg is de moeder van de witte wolk. De witte wolk is de dochter van de blauwe berg. De hele dag lang hebben ze elkaar nodig, zonder van elkaar afhankelijk te zijn. De witte wolk is altijd de witte wolk. De blauwe berg is altijd de blauwe berg. Volledig onafhankelijk, volledig afhankelijk.
Kokyo Meg Porter Alexander
vertaalde Tōzans woorden in de vrouwelijke vorm
During a question period, Mole asked, “How important is intelligence to the practice?”
Raven asked, “How do you use it?”
Mole said, “As best I can with what it is.”
Raven asked, “How do you depend on it?”
“You know,” said Mole, “I really don’t depend on it very much at all.”
Raven bobbed his head silently.
mes en bijl
Helemaal boven op de berghellingen zie ik slechts oude houthakkers.
Ieder heeft de geest van het mes en de bijl.
Hoe kunnen zij de bergbloemen zien,
weerspiegeld in het water – stralend, rood?
(China, lekennon, 7e – 9e eeuw)
Our mind should be free from traces of the past, just like the flowers of spring.
Het ik weet niets van de boeddhaweg. De schijnbare dwaalwegen [in het leven] horen niet bij het ik, zij zijn de boeddhaweg zelf. En juist zij zijn het die me tot ontwaken, tot bewustzijn brengen. Hoe zou ik kunnen herkennen wat bewust is wanneer ik geen onbewustheid beleefde?
Doris Myoen-An Zölls
zonder onderscheid
Dogen-zenji says “The extremely foolish people think that women are the object of sexual desire. But what kind of faults do women have? Are there any reasons why men are noble?”. And he says, “Don’t be concerned with the differences between men and women. This is the basic principle of supreme law of Buddhism.”
to poke or not to poke
[…Porcupine was to become a teacher…]
Black Bear said, “I’m afraid I’ll get poked with her quills.”
Raven said, “That’s the risk.”
Mole said, “I’d like to hear from Porcupine.”
Porcupine said, “Actually, I don’t poke, you poke yourself.”
Black Bear said, “How can I avoid poking myself?”
Porcupine said, “Don’t mess with me.”