Geleide meditatie in het bos om verwondering/ontzag/eerbied te ervaren. Het ervaren van korte momenten van ontzag (Engels: ‘awe’) maakt mensen o.a. altruïstischer, bescheidener en bewuster van de kracht in anderen en minder gestresst onder uitdagingen in het leven van alledag.
Met je muis kan je rond- en omhoog kijken in de film!
Use your mouse to look around in this old forest!
“Coming out of these experiences of awe, we often feel a sense of wonder. The striking thing, once you really start to think about awe and try to practice it in your life, is how omnipresent it is. As you move through your day, take note of the moments that bring you wonder, that give you goosebumps: These are your opportunities for awe.
Go out and find your awe moments and listen to them carefully; see where they guide you. What you’ll find, in how they stir humility and wonder, is that they will point you towards what you’re supposed to do while you’re here on Earth. ” – Greater Good Science Center
Awe is the experience we have when we encounter things that are vast and large and that transcend our current understanding of the world. The Greek philosopher Protagoras believed that our capacity for awe is our defining strength, the engine of creativity, discovery, purpose, and health. And the science could not agree more: Brief experiences of awe—for example, standing amidst tall trees—lead people to be more altruistic, less entitled, more humble and aware of the strengths of others, and less stressed by the challenges of daily living. These brief experiences are good for the immune system, stir scientific thought, and give people a better sense of how they are part of larger social collectives.
The Guided Awe Walk Meditation is presented by Mindful in collaboration with the Greater Good Science Center, the University of San Francisco, and the Sierra Club Outdoors.