#thubten chodron

onze beslissingen

Gepubliceerdop okt 16, 2017

Iemand die de verantwoordelijkheid voor zijn beslissingen aanvaardt, is in een positie om een grote verandering in zijn leven te verwezenlijken … Als we onszelf als slachtoffer beschouwen van de condities die anderen ons opleggen, zitten we in een hinderlaag. Er is geen manier om onze situatie te verbeteren door anderen te veranderen of het verleden ongedaan te maken. Hoe kunnen we denken dat we anderen kunnen beheersen en tot verandering aanzetten, wanneer we zelfs niet onze eigen geest besturen?

Als we echter de verantwoordelijkheid voor onze beslissingen nemen – zelfs die we namen toen we jong en onwetend waren, zelfs als deze beslissingen gemaakt werden in minder dan optimale omstandigheden of ten gevolge van dwang of manipulatie door anderen – dan geven we onszelf de kracht tot verandering. We houden ermee op vast te raken aan het verleden en in plaats daarvan vergeven we onszelf en anderen. We leren van onze fouten en beginnen andere mogelijkheden te overwegen voor onze huidige gewoonten en gedragspatronen. We beginnen met onze eigen geest te werken, we brengen zijn fantastische kwaliteiten voort zoals liefde, mededogen en wijsheid.

Laten we het proberen!

Thubten Chodron


thubten chodron

Gepubliceerdop jan 16, 2017

Venerable Thubten Chodron is the author of Buddhism for Beginners and founding abbess of Sravasti Abbey in Washington State.  She is renowned for her extraordinary ability to present even the most profound spiritual teachings simply and directly to Western audiences. With her characteristic warmth and humor, she skilfully weaves together traditional teachings with practical advice for modern Western women and men. In Dakini Power she speaks about her upbringing as a “nice Jewish girl”, her years of exploring the counterculture of the Seventies, her prison work and her dedication to using the Buddha’s teachings on how to work with emotions in a contemporary context. She is faced with the irony that she is perceived as a  liberal in traditional Tibetan circles, while some Westerners automatically see her as part of the “hierarchical” monastic institution because of her robes. “Curiously, while women’s issues are at the forefront of discussion in Western Buddhism, once a woman becomes a monastic, she is seen as ‘conservative and traditional,’ qualities disdained by some Westerners who practice Buddhism,” Chodron comments, unfazed. “You learn to live with whatever people happen to think of you and then continue to live your life and practice the dharma.” – dakini power

Born in Chicago in 1950, Venerable Thubten Chodron grew up near Los Angeles. She graduated with a B.A. in History from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1971. After traveling through Europe, North Africa and Asia for one and a half years, she received a teaching credential and went to the University of Southern California to do post-graduate work in Education while working as a teacher in the Los Angeles City School System.

In 1975, she attended a meditation course given by Lama Yeshe and Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and subsequently went to Kopan, their Monastery in Nepal, to continue to study and practice Buddha’s teachings. In 1977, she received sramanerika (novice) ordination from Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, and in 1986 she received bhikshuni (full) ordination in Taiwan. …

She is active in Dharma outreach to people who are incarcerated in prisons.

Ven. Chodron travels worldwide to teach the Dharma … Seeing the importance and necessity of a monastery for Westerners training in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, she founded Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastic community north of Spokane, WA and is the abbess there. It is the only Tibetan Buddhist training monastery for Western monks and nuns in America.

Ven. Chodron emphasizes the practical application of the Buddha’s teachings in our daily lives and is especially skilled at explaining them in ways easily understood and practiced by Westerners. She is well known for her warm, humorous, and lucid teachings. She has published many books on Buddhist philosophy and meditation. – thubtenchodron.org

Photo by Sravasti Abbey – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0