

Gepubliceerdop mrt 19, 2017

‘Candrottarā debates with the Buddha’s disciples that sexual identity ultimately has no relevance for attaining enlightenment. The Buddha listens and is delighted. He prophesies her future enlightenment. Elated, she transforms into a young man to continue her enlightened activities in the world.’

‘What are the implications about this transformation for us today? Is this a misogynistic stance against women?’

Below the whole artitcle by Annie Bien on ‘The Prophecy of the Daughter Candrottarā’ from awakeningbuddhistwomen


internationale conferentie boeddhistische vrouwen

Gepubliceerdop mrt 19, 2017

Sakyadhita (International association of buddhist women), organiseert de vijftiende internationale conferentie over boeddhistische vrouwen van 22 – 28 juni 2017 in Hong Kong. Het thema van de conferentie is “Contemporary Buddhist Women: Contemplation, Cultural Exchange & Social Action.”
