
dalai lama: de voordelen van een kalme geest

Gepubliceerdop sep 30, 2017

Real obstacles or destoyers of Calm Mind are fear, suspicion, hatred, anger, greed. These emotions are the opposite of a calm mind. Calm mind sees things more clearly, more realisticly and more holistically.

More self confidence means less fear; if we have a more objective mental attitude we feel less greed, we feel more content.

How to develop self-confidence, or inner strength: once we have developed a compassionate or altruistic attitude then there’s no basis for fear.

Tenzin Gyatso – 14th (current) Dalai Lama


verlicht huishouden

Gepubliceerdop aug 23, 2017

Happiness needs things, so she [Dhammā] wasn’t happy. At first she had thought being happy was what she’d heeded and could never have. But to her surprise, her slow and growing and then vast surprise, she found that she didn’t need to be happy. Enlightenment, which is tranquility itself, isn’t happiness. Her housework and chores became the rules by which she governed her life. Step by step, she turned ownership into austerity. She examined her mind carefully and slowly, slowly, turned complexity into unity, too many choices and decisions into discipline. Her life was often tedious, so she worked at turning boredom into concentration. When she secretly resented her husband, she tried to turn the anger into energy and strength. When she was envious of others, she worked at turning it into generosity. When Dhammā stopped trying to be happy, stopped needing to have nothing to need, she found herself relaxing into peace. She found herself not happy but completely at peace.

Sally Tisdale


joko beck on sitting practice

Gepubliceerdop mei 25, 2017

“There’s nothing in sitting except maintaining awareness. Our ability to do that grows over time. You can call that progress if you want, but basically we are just returning to what we’ve alway been.  There’s really nothing special about it. So any idea that there’s something special about sitting, that we have to get into some spiritual state, or some wonderful state, that’s not it.

As you’re sitting, if you really maintain awareness, which you probably won’t, but if you do, it feels so different from what we ordinarily do that we may think we’ve done something special, but we haven’t really.

I want to emphasize that sitting is not about shutting out your thoughts, its about seeing them as thoughts of no importance whatsoever. But I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t think his or her thoughts are of some importance, including me sometimes. We definitely don’t see our thoughts as little energy blips that for whatever reason are set off. (meer…)

café hoofd

Gepubliceerdop mei 6, 2017

ik ben de bediende
die niets doet
adem te midden van
dat niet meer doordringt

3 delusions: opinion, emotion and speech

Gepubliceerdop mei 5, 2017

“Tōzan said*: … ’there are three kinds of lingering delusions. They are the lingering delusions of opinion, emotion, and speech.
With lingering delusions of opinion, one can’t separate himself from the domain of the thinking mind and hence falls into the poisonous ocean.
With lingering delusions of emotion, one always looks at things from the standpoint of the intellect, becoming narrow-minded and biased.
With lingering delusions of speech, one loses sight of the wonderful teaching of the true nature of things and becomes blinded to its true activity. Please consider these three lingering delusions carefully.’
One who has not yet exhausted these lingering delusions will be stained by the two aspects — existence and emptiness — and will not find freedom anywhere.”

Bassui Tokushō (1327–1387)


op avontuur in het onbekende

Gepubliceerdop apr 29, 2017

“Meditatie is een uitnodiging om erop te letten wanneer we onze grens bereiken en om ons niet te laten meeslepen door hoop en angst. … Het bereiken van onze grens is … een teken van gezondheid dat we bij het bereiken van de plaats waar we op het punt staan te sterven, bang worden en beginnen te beven. Een ander teken van gezondheid is dat we ons niet door onze angst en beven van de wijs laten brengen, maar dat we dit als een signaal opvatten dat het tijd wordt om onze strijd te staken en rechtstreeks te kijken naar wat ons bedreigt.

Gevoelens als teleurstelling en ongerustheid zijn signalen die ons vertellen dat we op het punt staan onbekend terrein te betreden. … De spirituele reis houdt in dat je hoop en vrees overwint en onbekend terrein betreedt, voortdurend op de weg vooruit. Het belangrijkste aspect van het spirituele pad is misschien wel dat je in beweging blijft.  …
