december 2017

Gelofte aan de mensheid

Gepubliceerdop dec 12, 2017

Kalm en evenwichtig:

Laat ons ontwaken tot ons ware Zelf,
mensen worden, vol van mededogen.

Onze gaven ten volle ontplooien,
ieder volgens de eigen roeping in het leven.

Ons bewust worden van de doodsstrijd
persoonlijk en maatschappelijk
en de bron ervan onderkennen.

De juiste richting ontdekken
waarin de geschiedenis zou moeten voortgaan
en elkaar de hand reiken
zonder onderscheid naar man- of vrouw-zijn,
zonder onderscheid naar ras, natie of klasse.

Laat ons met mededogen de gelofte afleggen
het diepe verlangen van de mensheid
naar bevrijding van haar ware Zelf
werkelijkheid te doen worden

en een wereld bouwen
waarin iedereen
waarachtig en in heelheid kan leven.

Hisamatsu Sin’ichi

doe niets dan wordt het nog beter

Gepubliceerdop dec 11, 2017

Jan de Meyer vertaalde een van de klassieke werken van het taoïsme: De geschriften van Liezi, de taoïstische kunst van het relativeren. In 2008 interviewde wijlen Wim Brands hem in het programma Boeken. Tijdens het gesprek vertelt Jan de Meyer o.a. over taoïsme en boeddhisme, Liezi en Zhuang Zi, leven en dood, loslaten en optimisme.

aflevering kijken


de basis

Gepubliceerdop dec 9, 2017

Do not believe that meditation and contemplation are the fulfillment of the Buddhist path.The foundation of dharma is relational, built on generosity, virtue, and loving kindness.

Jack Kornfield

op eigen kracht

Gepubliceerdop dec 8, 2017

Once you merge your tracks into the stream of Zen, you spend your days silencing your mind and studying with your whole being. You realize that this Great Cause is not obtained from anyone else but is just a matter of taking up the task boldly and strongly, and making constant progress. Day by day you shed your delusions, and day by day you enhance your clarity of mind.

Your potential for enlightened perception is like fine gold that is to be refined hundreds and thousands of times. What is essential for getting out of the dusts, what is basic for helping living creatures, is that you must penetrate through freely in all directions and arrive at peace and security free from doubt and attain the stage of great potential and great function.

This work is located precisely in your own inner actions. It is just a matter of being in the midst of the interplay of the myriad causal conditions every day, in the confusion of the red dusts, amid favorable and adverse circumstances and gain and loss, appearing and disappearing in their midst, without being affected and “turned around” by them, but on the contrary, being able to transform them and “turn them around.”

When you are leaping with life and water cannot wet you, this is your own measure of power. You reach an empty, solidified silence, but there is no duality between emptiness and form or silence and noise. You equalize all sorts of wondrous sayings and perilous devices and absolute perceptions; ultimately there is no gain or loss, and it is all your own to use.

When you go on “grinding and polishing” like this for a long time, you are liberated right in the midst of birth and death, and you look upon the world’s useless reputation and ruinous profit as mere dust in the wind, as a dream, as a magical apparition, as an optical illusion. Set free, you pass through the world. Isn’t this what it means to be a great saint who has emerged from the dusts of sensory attachments?

Yuanwu (1063-1135)



Gepubliceerdop dec 3, 2017

When you enlarge your mind and let go of it,
When you relax your qi and expand it,
When your body is calm and unmoving,
And you can maintain the One and discard the
myriad disturbances –
Then you will see profit and not be enticed by it,
You will see harm and not be frightened by it.
Relaxed and unwound, yet acutely sensitive,
In solitude you delight in your own person.
This is called “revolving the qi”:
Your thoughts and deeds seem heavenly.

